A Sum Greater Than Its Parts

Woods Rogers Vandeventer Black is the combination of Woods Rogers, founded in Roanoke in 1893, and Vandeventer Black, established in Norfolk in 1883. The merger of the two highly respected Virginia firms was official in July 2022. Following the merger, members of the new firm came together to chart a course for their combined future. The merger offered the firm leaders a unique opportunity to reflect on the legacy of the two firms and adopt the best of their collective traditions and practices.

Brand Identity

The effort to develop a visual identity for the new Woods Rogers began with identifying the combined firm’s orienting principles. Through candid internal discussion, six anchoring principles were identified, each focused on the ‘uncommon’ aspects of the firm’s focus, outlook, service, and culture.

Armed with these orienting themes, the firm sought to translate its uncommon messaging into a visual identity. Central to discussions was the need to preserve our legacies, while embracing growing energy and excitement about the future. As a visual representation of legacy, but also forward motion, our creative work began with a brushstroke: an unstructured mark conveying energy and movement, but also reminiscent of the firm’s expanded footprint – from the coastal waters in the east to the majestic mountains of the west.


Every organization in the world likes to talk about culture. But talking about culture, and living culture are two fundamentally different concepts. Culture at Woods Rogers is not a box to be checked. Our culture is what distinguishes us—it is the anchoring element beneath all we do.

Our new visual identity is a turning point in Woods Rogers history. It signifies that while we honor our legacies, we are moving forward together, driven by a shared spirit of innovation and optimism.

Though larger, we are determined to remain nimble and personal. Our clients will continue to have access to partners. To transparency. To candor and responsiveness. From embracing flexible working arrangements to engaging virtually with clients, we’re building for the long term.

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