AI Innovations: How to Balance the Legal and Governance Considerations

University Business

For colleges and universities, artificial intelligence presents many challenges, not the least of which include concerns around data privacy, students and faculty being exposed to discrimination or bias, and other regulatory considerations. In an article published on July 24 by University Business, Beth Waller and Patrick Austin, members of the Woods Rogers Cybersecurity & Data Privacy practice, give an overview of the evolving legal environment around AI.

As Beth and Patrick explain, “For colleges and universities to take full advantage of the opportunities presented by AI while mitigating the inherent risks, proactive steps need to be taken to develop and implement an AI governance framework. For context, an AI governance framework is a structured set of policies, standards, and best practices designed to regulate and govern AI technologies’ utilization, development, and application. An effective AI governance framework can be a proverbial guidepost to ensure AI systems are used ethically, responsibly, and by applicable legal standards.”

Beth and Patrick outline various frameworks and best practices for what to include in an AI governance program.

“Colleges and universities must be proactive in monitoring the AI landscape and developing an AI governance framework that addresses how AI can be utilized in admissions, hiring, recruitment, and the classroom,” the authors add.

To read their article in University Business, visit the website here.


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