Victor Cardwell Named to Virginia Black Business Leaders Hall of Fame


We are pleased to announce that Woods Rogers Vandeventer Black (WRVB) Chairman Victor Cardwell was named to the inaugural class of Black Business Leaders by Virginia Business magazine and selected for additional recognition as a member of the Virginia Black Business Leaders Hall of Fame.

“If there’s someone around you who is vexatious to your spirit, who is not uplifting you … that’s a person who you don’t want to spend much time around,” said Cardwell. No one who knows Cardwell, even opposing counsel, would call him vexatious to the spirit. Instead, his positivity and supportiveness have made him a leader at his firm and in his field.

Virginia Black Business Leaders Awards recognize the state’s most accomplished Black executives. Cardwell was selected as one of four award winners to join the Hall of Fame because of his outstanding career and excellence in business leadership.

View Cardwell's profile in Virginia Business here.


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