Woods Rogers Featured in Fall 2024 VBA Journal: Highlights from the Summer Meeting and DEI Leadership
In the Fall 2024 issue of the Virginia Bar Association (VBA) Journal, Woods Rogers is featured twice.
The journal highlights the VBA’s 134th Summer Meeting, held July 18-20, with a photo of Woods Rogers attorneys Patice Holland, VBA Board of Governors Member and Section Liaison to the Labor & Employment Section and Table Host, and Emily Kendall Chowhan. Woods Rogers was pleased to be a Silver sponsor.
Additionally, in an article authored by the co-chairs of the VBA’s Committee on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Patice Holland, alongside Faith Alejandro of Sands Anderson, profiles DEI committee members from law firms across Virginia.
Included in the questionnaire is Woods Rogers Chairman Victor Cardwell, who shared, “We have to make sure that everyone has a voice in the legal profession and that voice is heard! Our clients benefit, not because we simply value diversity, but because we provide them with better service when we have a variety of perspectives weighing in on the issues in this fast-changing global legal environment.”
View VBA Journal’s Fall issue here.
- Principal | Chair of the Board
- Principal | Government & Special Investigations Practice Co-Chair