The bond and public finance attorneys at Woods Rogers handle general obligation and revenue bond financing for cities, counties and towns; tax-exempt leasing; and industrial development bonds for manufacturing facilities, multi-family and single-family housing, 501(c)(3) facilities and other eligible facilities. Bond and public finance clients have included hospitals, nursing homes, retirement communities, schools, colleges, universities, other nonprofit organizations, water and sewer authorities, localities, and banks.

This broad experience gives the firm sensitivity to the concerns of all parties involved in a bond issue and enables the firm to more effectively represent a client in a particular transaction. While the bulk of the firm’s public finance practice has involved tax-exempt bonds, we have also participated in a number of taxable issues.

Our Clients

Over many years the firm has represented:

  • Municipal issuers
  • Issuing authorities
  • Conduit borrowers
  • Corporate trustees
  • Bond purchasers
  • Underwriters
  • Remarketing agents
  • Issuers of letters of credit
  • Liquidity providers

Public & Private Financing

We have also participated in structuring and document preparation and review for a broad range of public and private financings, including:

  • Governmental purpose financings (both general obligation bonds and revenue bonds)
  • Financings for manufacturers
  • 501(c)(3) financings for colleges, hospitals and other charitable organizations
  • Multi-family and single-family housing issues
  • Issues for a wide variety of other conduit borrowers


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